OSTEOARTHRITIS(OA) is a condition where there is an imbalance between degradative and reparative process of the whole joint and its component parts particularly in the synovium.
osteoarthritis is also known as osteoarthrosis or degenerative joint disease.it leads to gradual loss of cartilage in the joints leading to the formation of bony spurs.OA primarily involves dependent joints like knee and hip.About 4 lakhs of knee replacement surgeries are going on every year because of OA of knee.
primary reason for OA is aging.other causes like obesity,trauma,hereditary causes may also come under.Gout,DIabetes are the other risk factors.long running is also another risk factor to be noted.
Pain and Joint swelling are the main symptoms in osteoarthritis.History of limited walking distance due to pain..pain that interrupts sleep in the night are the main symptoms.PHYSICAL EXAM SHOWS JOINTLINE TEMDERNESS TO PALPATION.
Standing and flexed knee radiographs shows narrowing of joint space.other radiological findings include osteophytes,cysts and subchondral sclerosis.
1. weight reduction and avoiding exercises that cause pressure on joint.
2. rest,exercise,physical and occupational therapy
3. NSAIDs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen to reduce pain.
4.Corticosteroids for moderate joint narrowing.
5.surgical options:indications depends on patient age,weight,activity and status of compartments.total joint replacement,unicompatmental replacement and osteotomy are
the other surgical procedures used.