Saturday, May 21, 2011


vertigo is a feeling of unstability to the patient where the world seems to be rotating.
vertigo is mainly caused by peripheral and central disorders.peripheral disorders means that involves the vestibular component in the ear.central disorders include which involve central nervous system after the entrance of vestibular nerve in the brain stem and othern central nervous systemm pathways.

vestibular disorders

PERIPHERAL (lesions of end organs vestibular nerve)

meniere's disease

benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo


vestibulotoxic drugs

head trauma

perilymph fistula


acoustic neuroma

vestibular neuronitis

CENTRAL(lesions of brain stem and central connections)

Vertebro basilar insufficiency

posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome

basilar migraine

cerebellar disease

multiple sclerosis

tumours of brain stem and fourth ventricle


cervical vertigo

MENIERE'S DISEASE:charecterized by vertigo,fluctuating hearing loss and tinnitus.vertigo is of sudden onset lasts for a few minutes to 24 hrs.
TREATMENT:VESTIBULAR SEDATIVES are very much useful.but general measures like cessation of smoking,low salt diet should be followed.

BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO:it is charecterized by vertigo when the head is kept in a particular position.history of head trauma and ear infection may be present
this conditin can be treated by performing EPLEY'S MANOEUVRE

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