Wednesday, July 20, 2011


 COUGH is a sudden,protective and repetitively occuriong reflex movement that helps in clearing the airway from various irritants.

           cough is classified into either acute(<3 weeks),subacute(3 to 8 weeks),chronic(>8 weeks) or acute cough i.e, lasting
<3 weeks or persistent cough lasting > 3 weeks.

cough may vary from simple cough to coughing up sputum or blood and sometimes may be associated with other symptoms like sore throat,
wheezing and difficulty in breathing.

           In most of the healthy adults the cause of acute cough syndrome is mostly viral upper respiratory tract infection like
common cold and other bacterial infections of the nose,
3.Acute pulmonary oedema i.e, associated with pink,frothy oedema.
4.Pulmonary embolus,
5.Use of ACE inhibitors(used to treat hypertension) and other beta blockers

           1.Bronchitis(infection of the air passages leading to lungs),
           3.Croup(barking cough more commom in children between 6 months and 3 years)
           5.chronic lung disease(Bronchitis or Emphysema)
           6.lung tumour
           7.pulmonary tuberculosis
           8.Whooping cough(Pertussis)

              *Dyspnoea(Atrest or with exertion)
              *Constitutional symptoms
              *Tobacco use history
              *Vital signs(heart rate,respiratory rate,body temperature)
              *chest examination
              *chest radiograph

       These are the essential requirements to make a diagnosis of cause of cough.

           1. Treatment depends upon the cause of cough.Natural remedies like some fruits(oranges),hot water bath may treat the acute cough by thinning the mucus in the throat.

           2.Drink plenty of fluids

           3. HOME CARE:
          Cough due to common cold and postnasal drip can be treated by some cough syrups like                     Phensedyl(pseudoephedrine,promethazine).
     Should not be used in children below 6 years.
          4.Consult your doctor if the cough persists and it is associated with constitutional symptoms.


       1.Quit smoking and stay away from second hand smoke and air pollution.
       2.If you have seasonal allergies or any allergies,take preventive measures like staying indoors,using medication etc.

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