Friday, June 10, 2011


                 These are the most commom causes for abdominal pain leading to emergency in an adult.

                                               ABDOMINAL PAIN(ADULT)

cause              :what is it?                                     typical symptoms

Gastroenteritis  : Infection of the stomach or intestines. Nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, cramping, muscle aches, slight fever.

Heartburn  : Also known as GERD(Gastroesophagealreflux disease),the movement of acid up into and through the oesophaus,which connects the throat upright to the stomach,can lead to ulcer.Burning upper abdominal pain,worse when lying flat or bending over,particularly soon after meals,releived by antacids or sitting.                              

Irritable bowel syndrome: Alternating diarrhea and  constipation, sometimes  occurring during periods of anxiety.abdominal  Cramping, diarrhea,constipation, with minimal pain,no fever.

Ulcer:  Severe irritation of the stomach or intestinal lining.Burning upper abdominal pain that is worse when lying down,sometimes releived by lying down,antacids and made worse by aspirin or drugs such as ibuprofen.

Appendicitis:   Infection or inflammation  of the appendix, a small pouch of the large intestine.                     Pain in the lower right part of the abdomen, low grade fever (less than 101 degrees F)

Hepatitis : Infection or inflammation of the liver,can be caused by viruses or by heavy long-term drinking.                  Weakness, fatigue, right upper abdominal pain, jaundice (skin taking on a yellowish appearence)


Diverticulitis: Infection of pockets of  the large intestine..Fever, pain in lower left part of the abdomen,constipation, nausea, vomiting,sometimes blood in the stool


Cholecystitis :Gallstones. Fever, right upper abdominal pain, sometimes pain  in right shoulder, nausea
                   vomiting, chills, sometimes  jaundice, dark urine                                                                                

Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas  with history of heavy drinking or gallstones.Pain in the upper
                 abdomen, sometimes in the back, nausea, vomiting sometimes weakness and  rapid heart rate                          

Ureteral stone: Passing of a kidney stone into one of the ureters ..Pain usually begins in side, accompanied by painful urination and blood in the urine can lead to fever

Ectopic pregnancy: Presence of a growing fetus outside the uterus(in women) usually in the fallopian tubes. Missed menstrual period, severe lower abdominal pain that appears suddenly

Pelvic inflammatory dsease: Inflammation of the reproductive tract that results from past sexually (in women) transmitted diseases, Severe pain in the lower abdomen, fever, chills,vaginal discharge, painful sexual intercourse

Ulcerative colitis Inflammation of the rectum and colon. Low-grade fever (less than 101 degrees F), some pain in lower abdomen, blood  may appear in stools, sometimes weight loss

Crohn’s disease: Inflammation of the entire gastrointestinal system (can occur from  mouth to rectum)                             Low-grade fever (less than 101 degrees F), pain in lower right part of the abdomen that is often
              relieved by defecation of stools that are soft and not well formed.                                                

Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture: A tear of the aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body.                        Acute pain anywher ebetween the chest and lower abdomen, weakness,rapid heartbeat, sometimes,a pulsing mass can be felt

Bowel infarction:  Failure of blood to get to part of the intestine leading to death of part of the intestine,often                 associated with a history of abdominal surgery.Weakness, rapid heartbeat, distended belly, pain is                  all over the is necessary                                        

Peritonitis:  An infection of the lining of the abdomen. Severe pain that worsens with movement, fever,rigidity

Bowel obstruction: A blockage in theintestines. Nausea, vomiting, sometimes constipation,distended belly
                              extreme discomfort                                  

Heart attack : Blockage in one of the arteries feeding the heart,leading to death of part of the heart muscle                       Pain is very severe in the chest or very high in the abdomen, possibly in the jaw or left shoulder and
                 elbow, sweating