Thursday, July 28, 2011


      Scabies is a skin disease which is contagious,caused by a small mite names SCORBUTIC SCABIEI.

   It is very easy to get infected by a mite.Personal hygiene and cleanliness play an important role.

   Intense discomfort and itching are the main symptoms.
   It typically involves genital area in boys.It can spread to every part in the body except face.
   Palms & soles are also mainly involved.
      Diagnosis can be easily made by looking at the lesions and the areas involved.

     Prevention is better than cure.Maintaining personal hygiene ,cleanliness and preventing the spread by not
using clothes of other persons and regular and proper washing of clothes.

    1.Home treatment :As said above regular washing of clothes,maintaining personal hygiene
    2.symptomatic treatment:Using tab.cetrizine or any anti histaminic drug to relieve the discomfort.
    3.25% benzoyl benzoate lotion or 5% permethrin lotion can be used.1/2 of this dose for children.
       should be applied from below the face and kept for 72 hours continously without washing.
       It would be better if everyone in the house takes this treatment.

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