Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sickle-cell disease: Painful “crises” caused by misshapen red blood cells,an inherited disease foubd most often in african americans. Severe pain in abdomen and joints,sweating,sometimes fever

Worms: Infection by Ascaris,hookworm, Taenia,Strongyloides species. Worms and eggs in stool,
, mild pain, weight loss and diarrhoea

Lead poisoning :Caused by exposure to lead, most often in lead paint in older houses.Diffuse abdominal pain,in the long term lead to mental retardation

Bowel obstruction:A blockage in theintestine. Nausea, vomiting, sometimes constipation
                               distended belly, extreme discomfort

Intussusception: common between ages of 5 months and 2 years.“Telescoping” of tubes of intestine into
                            one another. Slight fever, acute sudden pain,vomiting,often decreased bowel movements.

Ulcer: Severe irritation of the stomach or intestinal lining.Burning upper abdominal
                 pain that is worse when lying down,sometimes relieved by antacids,made worse by  aspirin or

Henoch schonlein purpura:inflammation of the blood vessels that often follow respiratory     
                                       infections.joint pain,vomiting,distended belly,bruising occurs later
Kidney disease: Congenital kidney problems... Severity of pain varies, but
                            generally over the flank
Hepatitis: Infection or inflammation of the liver caused by viruses.Weakness, fatigue, right
                   upper abdominal pain,jaundice (skin taking on a yellowish appearance)

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